Wedding Planning
Your wedding planner will be your holly grail.. It is your life line to make sure you are orgonised and on track. You will need to have a wedding planner in place asap, and when I say planner I mean the calander not necisarily the person.
Your wedding planner should be color coordinated, one color for venue, one for flowers, one for wedding events, and so on. this way at a glance you can see things as they overlap and not get them mixed up. Staying orgonised will make your life easier, it will save you many arguments at home and even some money if it is done right.
As soon as you get your planner start setting goals and deadlines for yourself, one of the biggests stressors for wedding planning is the feeling of being overwhelmed and running your day to day events in your head over and over for fear you forget somthing. Plan plan plan.
Get a friend involved or your fiance if he or she is interested to brainstorm some things you will need to plan for. Every wedding is different and everyones needs are different. Once you have a solid brainstorm session you will be able to start to give yourself some times lines… There are a few staple things that you can always count on for a wedding. We will touch on those things and the approximate time you will need to give yourself in order to get them done.
Your day pkanner will be attached to your hip. Make sure it is big enough to write daily notes, that is has some space to keep loose papers and sticky notes, you may find yourself collectimg some… and of course a section for monthly overview so you can also see the big picture. It may seem overwhelming when you start, thats normal, im sure there isnt a single bride or groom out there who hasnt gone through that. Do the best you can, and dont forget to ask for help when you need it…